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作者: 编辑:李贵叶-健康学院 审核人: 发布时间:2024-05-23 16:53 来源: 点击量:






202405-至今,   深圳技术大学,健康与环境工程学院,助理教授







1、深圳市发展和改革委员会, 战略性新兴产业扶持计划, XMHT20230115004, 深圳市病理医学影像智能诊断工程研究中心组建项目, 2024/02-2025/12, 500万元, 在研, 参与


3、深圳市基础研究学科布局项目,JCYJ20170412170814624  肺癌病变定量检测方法研究,2017/06-2020/06,200万,结题,参与



1Yao, Yue., Zhang, F., Wang, B., Wan, J., Si, L., Dong, Y., Zhu, Y., Liu, X., Chen, L., & Ma, H. Polarization imaging-based radiomics approach for the staging of liver fibrosis. Biomedical Optics Express. 2022 Feb 18;13(3):1564-1580. DOI: 10.1364/BOE.450294.

2Yao, Yue., Wan, J., Zhang, F., Dong, Y., Chen, L., & Ma, H. Correlation of image textures of a polarization feature parameter and the microstructures of liver fibrosis tissues. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 2022 Dec 7; 16(05), 2241004. DOI:10.1142/s1793545822410048.

3Yao, Yue., Zuo, M., Dong, Y., Shi, L., Zhu, Y., Si, L., Ye, X., & Ma, H. Polarization imaging feature characterization of different endometrium phases by machine learning. OSA Continuum. 2021 May 24; 4(6), 1776-1791. DOI: 10.1364/OSAC.414109.

4Huang, T., Yao, Yue., Pei, H., Hu, Z., Zhang, F., Wang, J., Yu, G., Huang, C., Liu, H., Tao, L., & Ma, H.  Mueller matrix imaging of pathological slides with plastic coverslips. Optics Express. 2023 April 25; 31(10), 15682-15696. DOI: 10.1364/OE.487875. (共同一作)

5姚悦,裴浩杰,李浩,万嘉晨,陶丽丽,马辉, 基于全偏振显微成像的数字病理技术. 中国激光 51 (2024)

6Wan, J., Dong, Y., Yao, Yue., Xiao, W., Huang, R., Xue, J.-H., Peng, R., Pei, H., Tian, X., Liao, R., & Ma, H.  Unsupervised learning of pixel clustering in Mueller matrix images for mapping microstructural features in pathological tissues. Communications Engineering. 2023 Dec 08; 2(1), 88. DOI: 10.1038/s44172-023-00136-6.

7Xia, L., Yao, Yue., Dong, Y., Wang, M., Ma, H., & Ma, L. Mueller polarimetric microscopic images analysis based classification of breast cancer cells. Optics Communications. 2020 Nov 15; 475, 126194. DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2020.126194.

8沈元星, 姚悦, 何宏辉, 刘少雄, & 马辉. 非标记, 定量化穆勒矩阵偏振成像在辅助临床诊断中的应用. 中国激光. 2020 Feb; 47(2), 207001-207001. DOI:10.3788/CJL202047.0207001.

9Liu, B., Yao, Yue., Liu, R., Ma, H., & Ma, L. Mueller polarimetric imaging for characterizing the collagen microstructures of breast cancer tissues in different genotypes. Optics Communications. 2019 Feb 15; 433, 60-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2018.09.037.

10Chen, Z., Yao, Yue., Zhu, Y., & Ma, H. Removing the dichroism and retardance artifacts in a collinear backscattering Mueller matrix imaging system. Optics Express. 2018 Oct 16; 26(22), 28288-28301. DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.028288




