Energy Management of Solar Water Evaporation System
英文摘要:Interfacial photothermal evaporation provides a green and economical solar-triggered desalination strategy.Themechanism involves processes such as light absorption, photothermal conversion, surface heating, interface evaporation, etc. In order to promote the industrial application of interfacial photothermal evaporation technology, energy management in the process of photothermal evaporation isconsidered to bean effectiveapproach. This report will introduce the design of novel photothermal materials and evaporation structures to reduce the energy loss while increasing the heat energy absorbed in the environment, and recovering the latent heat to promote the photothermal evaporation, so that the energy conversion efficiency of the entire system reachesthe highest for industrialapplications.
主讲人简介:徐浩兰为南澳大利亚大学Future Industries Institute资深研究员。2008获中科院硅酸盐研究所博士学位,2009-2010年作为洪堡学者在德国马普究所从事博士后研究。2011年加入南澳大学,2012年获得澳大利亚Discovery Early Career Researcher Award。2015年晋升为南澳大学特聘研究员(Foundation Fellow),2019年获得澳大利亚“ARC Future Fellow”。目前主要从事面向工业发展需求的表界面应用研究,包括光热材料在海水淡化和工业储能领域的应用;基于功能表面和光学的环境传感器及其工业应用。已在Angew. Chem.Int.Ed., ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Adv. Funct. Mater., Mater.Horiz., Chem.Sci., Small, Chem.Mater.等杂志发表论文70余篇,H因子32,论文引用5400余次 (google scholar)。拥有国际专利2项,成功转化科研成果1项。
英文简介:Haolan Xu is a senior researcher at the Future Industries Institutein University of South Australia. He received his PhD from the Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008 and worked as a Humboldt scholar at the Max Planck Institute in Germanyfrom2009 to2010. He joined the University of South Australia in 2011 and was awarded the Australian Discovery Early Career Researcher Award in 2012. In 2015 he was promotedas the Fellow ofUniversity of South Australia and in 2019 won the Australian “ARC Future Fellow”. Currently, he is mainly engaged in surfaceandinterface applications for industrialrequirements, including applications of photothermal materialsforseawater desalination and industrial energy storage,environmental sensors based on functional surfaces and optics. He has published more than 70 papers inAngew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Adv. Funct. Mater., Mater. Horiz., Chem. Sci., Small, Chem. Mater.H-index is32. The paper citation reaches5,400 times (google scholar). He has 2 international patents andone wassuccessfully transformed.